Friday, September 28, 2012

Artist Block

I have written down in my journal how overwhelming Kelly's online class has been for me. I do know that I'm not the only one feeling this way and that gives me comfort.  I also wrote that I have been having artist block wherein I just can't be creative the last few days. I think with family, life, work and so on and so forth, all this is clogging my mind and have been preventing me on being creative lately. However, towards the end of the week, inspiration started coming back and I am so glad.  I have created 3 mixed media art work and posting it here. Hope you guys like it. Oh, by the way, so many FB posts, I do not know where to start, I just have to pace myself. Keep up the good work fellow flyers. I know I am pushing on and will continue my journey into creating mixed media art.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Learning to Blog

My very first public posting. This is something really new to me and I'm still learning. I've never been one to publicly post messages especially on face book where you can be seen by everyone. I am a very private person but because I have made this huge step to start a creative business with my art, I thought it was time to change my ways.  If I am to be successful in this business, I have to overcome my shyness and introduce myself to the world.

I confess, I am technically challenged but will work this through in order to create an online presence. I am taking Flying Lessons with Kelly Rae Roberts. When she started talking about blogging the first week, it really scared me because that meant going public for me. It is a very huge step for me.