Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Believe in Yourself

I titled this painting "Believe in Yourself".  Lately, I have been doubting my ability to create art.  There are days when I just look at a blank page and not have any idea as to what I should create.  I know I like to paint faces and whimsical girls and sometimes I just wish I could just paint anything out of the blue.  I wasn't born with this talent.  It sort of just popped up one day so late in my life and I just started doing mixed media after numerous research on the internet and taking online classes.  This is what came to me today. Because I'm starting to lose my courage, I decided to draw my muse with her reminding me to believe in myself. So far, I am happy with how this painting turned out.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Latest Art from Lifebook 2014

This is my second year taking Lifebook.  This is from the first week's lesson.  My word for the year is  "Patience".  Too often, I discourage myself and think that my art will never be good enough.  That I should stop making art, right here, right now.  I compare myself to all the exceptional teachers and students and tell myself that I will never be like them.  So my word for this year is to be patient with myself, be conscious not to put myself down and just enjoy the process.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

In Honor of Breast Cancer Month

I painted this piece just this week in honor of breast cancer month. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had undergone chemo treatments.  The only thing that kept me going is my courage to face this battle and fight it till the end. So far so good I am still cancer free to this day. I wanted to send a message out to all those of who are battling this terrible disease. There is hope and never give up. I titled this piece "Be Brave. Your courage will see you through." I hope this piece brightens someone's day.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Guardian Angel

Yesterday, I made a mixed media painting of an angel with the words, "IF I COULD GIVE YOU ONE GIFT...I WOULD GIVE YOU THE ABILITY TO SEE YOURSELF AS I SEE YOU, SO YOU COULD SEE HOW TRULY "SPECIAL" YOU ARE!! I titled it "My Guardian Angel".  Check out the digital version....

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I am ever so grateful for all the wonderful blessings that I have. Even the most simplest things like the air I breathe, the sunshine on a beautiful day, the kindness from people. My heart is full of hope for the future.  Everyday I am learning new stuff about art. Taking Lifebook classes with Tamara Laporte has really extended my knowledge about the different styles of "arting".  Not sure if that is a word.  I am definitely enjoying every minute of it. I am also continuing to learn Photoshop Elements and incorporating digital elements into my art work.  Totally loving it!

Here is one of my recent collaboration with painting and digital art. The following quote just connected with me: "People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.  Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost"...quote by the Dalai Lama.  So true!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Love Hope Dream

My first attempt using water soluble crayons and soft pastels.  Here's a picture of how my art came out. I love the colors. They're so vibrant. I did them in a 5x7 strathmore journal.